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Development of a Framework to Guide Non-Communicable Disease(NCD) Risk Reduction Training in Undergraduate Nursing Curriculum



One of the four strategic action areas identified in the National Multi-sectoral Action Plan for Prevention and Control of Common Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) (2017-2022) is to strengthen capacity of human resources to provide NCD related services (MOHF,GOI, 2017). Currently under The National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS) nurses with Auxiliary Nurse Midwifery (ANM) and General Nursing Midwifery (GNM) qualification are primarily engaged in health promotion and prevention of prevalent NCDs. The nurses with B.Sc. Nursing qualification are often employed at tertiary care centres and can also be engaged in health promotion activities for patients with high risk for NCDs. Hence the ANM, GNM, and B.Sc. Nursing curriculum must ensure that nursing students are well equipped for health promotion and primary prevention of prevalent NCDs at various levels. (Ministry of Health & Family welfare Government of India, 2013).

The prevalent education of healthcare professionals however does not prepare them adequately for NCD risk reduction strategies(Talwar K, Grover A, Thakur J., 2011). Current research on effectiveness of curriculum in training for NCD risk reduction strategies has focussed on the MBBS syllabus alone.  Nurses and midwives who account for 47% of India’s health workforce are a strategic asset for implementing NCD-related policies(WHO, 2012).addition, almost 80% of the community health officers (CHO’s) heading the health and wellness centres under the Ayushman Bharat program are nurses. However, there are no studies that examine the effectiveness of nursing curriculum for training nurses on NCD risk reduction strategies

This study had three purposes. First, to develop an ontological framework to guide NCD risk reduction training in nursing education.  Second, to map existing undergraduate course curricula for its content on NCD risk reduction training. And, third, to recommend changes to bridge the gaps in the curricula.

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